City of Jackson Recreation and Parks Department announces the return of its after-school program

JACKSON, Tenn. -- The City of Jackson Recreation and Parks Department is excited to announce the return of the after-school program at Westwood Community Center, located at 3 Westwood Gardens Drive.
Registration will be online only and will begin at 8:00 a.m. on Thursday, July 1, 2021. The cost for this year's program is $200 per child for the calendar school year. To register, visit and click the registration link.
“We believe in creating a safe after-school environment for students in Jackson-Madison County,” said Jackson Recreation and Parks Community Engagement Director Christi David. “We are happy to provide a place for students to work on their homework assignments as well as participate in activities at our recreation center.”
The afterschool program will be available or grades K-8 from 2:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Students will be able to work on homework as well as participate in arts & crafts, compute lab, ceramics, game room and gym time.
Please Note: if you are paying with a credit card, the address provided must match the address associated with the card you are using.
If you have any questions, please contact JRPD Community Engagement Director, Christi David at 731.693.7791.